UV Lights

Saskatoon Water Conditioning sells, installs, and services U. V. light systems. U. V. stands for Ultraviolet. It controls microbiological issues in water, including E. coli, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia Lamblia, without the use of chemicals. Remember that we provide no charge water analysis. We can determine if your water has microbiological issues. This can often be the case in well water on farms and acreages.

Concerns about microbiological contamination in your drinking water. You should consider a UV system.

UV will not remove any chemicals from water. It also does not improve the taste or odour of the water. It does deal with controlling microbiological issues.

We sell, install and service Hydrotech’s Aqua Flo brand of UV light systems. They manufacture a wide range of systems to accommodate your requirements. Our professionals can analyze your water and see if a UV light system is recommended.

UV Lights

We encourage you to call us about your water. A no-charge water analysis will eliminate speculation. The results will identify the quality and safety of your water. If issues are identified, we can talk about solutions. We are always eager to help. If you have systems that aren’t functioning properly, our staff can service and repair any system on the market. Water you waiting for? (Pun intended)

Call us today at 306-931-7111 to discuss your water.